March 3, 2013 – Naucalpan, Mexico
Eita, Tomahawk & Apolo Estrada Jr vs. Centvrión, Dr. Cerebro & Pantera [2/3 Falls Match]
Tomahawk, please stop Eita from killing himself… please. Eita and Centvrion start with pointless mat wrestling. Cerebro takes Tomahawk to the mat. Tomahawk hits an armdrag. Eita and Estrada keep Cerebro from getting control. More clumsy chain wrestling does nothing for me, even with Tomahawk involved. Pantera hits Estrada with a head scissor takedown on the floor. He hits a doubl abck elbow. Cerebro dropkicks everyone. He taps out Eita to win the first fall. Centvrion hits a low blow on Tomahawk during the break between falls. The rudos attack before the second fall begins. Tomahawk chops Centvrion. Estrada puts Cerebro in a crappy Mutalock. Eita puts a garbage armbar on Pantera to win the second fall. This match is a nightmare so far. Everyone brawls to start the third fall; boring, meandering brawling that goes on for too long. The tecnicos take turns chopping Tomahawk. He fires back on Centvrion. Then he abuses Cerebro. Cerebro hits a superkick. He hits Eita with a backbreaker. Pantera hits a backbreaker. Centvrion hits a dropkick. He hits a pair of monkey flips. The good guys hit a triple dropkick and a triple suicide dive. Eita returns the favor. Tomahawk hits Centvrion with the Night Ride for the win at 25:52. Another load of poop, but at least the Dragon Gate boys didn’t try to kill themselves.
Rating: *